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Ansible 101 - Vault

Ansible Vault is an out-of-the-box encryption mechanism. Use it to store (encrypted) sensitive data for use within playbooks. This tutorial will get you up-and-running with Ansible Vault in under 10 minutes.


If you haven’t already got hands-on experience with Ansible, I highly suggest you follow my previous tutorials:

Needless to say, you’ll need Ansible installed on a control machine. All commands in this article are to be executed on the control machine.

Note: For this tutorial, we’ll be running the playbook against the localhost meaning all commands will be executed on and targeted at, the control machine. The files will be copied to directories on the control machine.


Imagine we want to write a configuration file to a remote host. This configuration file contains sensitive information that should be held not held in plain text. The variable name is foo and the value is bar.

Let’s also assume that our origin file (the file on the control node that we want to copy to the target) contains this text and is called myIniFile.ini:

# Variables
foo = bar;

We could write our playbook like this:

- name: Create File
hosts: localhost
connection: local


- name: Write File
    src: ~/myIniFile.ini
    dest: /tmp/myIniFile.ini

However, this would expose our sensitive data to the world. Dangerous stuff!

Go ahead and create that INI file (and insert the contents as above). Also create the playbook (as above).

Run the playbook: ansible-playbook myPlaybookFile.playbook

You should expect to see a copy of the myIniFile.ini in /tmp.

Encrypting the Sensitive Values

Now, let’s solve the problem and use Ansible Vault to encrypt our sensitive data. One of the things I love about Ansible is the great documentation. Take a look at the vault docs page and you’ll see this:

If you have existing files that you wish to encrypt, use the ansible-vault encrypt command:
ansible-vault encrypt file1 file2 ...

So let's encrypt our INI file:

ansible encrypt myIniFile.ini

Enter a vault password and confirm. You should a confirmation message: Encryption Successful

To confirm, view the INI file with your favourite editor and you’ll see the encrypted content. This encrypted file is safe to placed into version control systems.

$ cat myIniFile.ini

Viewing Unencrypted Vault Data

To view the unencrypted contents of the file, use the ansible-vault view command:

ansible-vault view myIniFile.ini

Vault Password Files

As an alternative to the above, you can store your password (plain text) in a file, then pass this file at runtime as a parameter.

Let’s say your password is password123 and is stored in /tmp/passwordfile

Encrypt your INI file as such:

ansible-vault encrypt ~/myIniFile.ini --vault-id=/tmp/passwordfile

Then to decrypt, just change encrypt to view:

ansible-vault view ~/myIniFile.ini --vault-id=/tmp/passwordfile

Note that you can specify multiple files (and vault IDs) at once. Imagine test.txt is encrypted with the password in passwordfile and test2.txt is encrypted with the password in passwordfile2.

This is a perfectly valid command:

ansible-vault view ~/test.txt ~/test2.txt --vault-id=~/passwordfile --vault-id=~/passwordfile2

Re-Execute Playbook With Ansible Vault File

  • Delete the old INI file in /tmp: rm /tmp/myIniFile.ini
  • Re-run the playbook, adding the --ask-vault-pass option: ansible-playbook makeFile.playbook --ask-vault-pass
  • Notice that the file is decrypted then copied into the /tmp directory