Dynatrace OneAgent - Same Binary, Different Tenants


Can we use the same Dynatrace OneAgent installer in two different environments? That was the question posed by a customer recently.

Let’s see how it’s done…



By default, the OneAgent installer you download from your tenant is predefined to point to that tenant. In most cases this works perfectly and is the best way to install the OneAgent (lowest effort).

However, your organisational policy or workflow may demand that you use the same OneAgent installer for two (or more tenants). One example is using the same binary in a pipeline where the OneAgent will point at a preproduction tenant or a production tenant.


The default OneAgent install commands look like this:

wget -O Dynatrace-OneAgent-Linux-VERSION.sh "https://abc123.live.dynatrace.com/api/v1/deployment/installer/agent/unix/default/latest?Api-Token=def456&arch=x86&flavor=default
sudo /bin/sh Dynatrace-OneAgent-Linux-VERSION.sh APP_LOG_CONTENT_ACCESS=1

To reconfigure the OneAgent, there are 3 additional (mandatory) parameters to pass during the install. SERVER, TENANT and TENANT_TOKEN.

  • The SERVER variable is the full URL to the tenant eg. https://abc123.live.dynatrace.com
  • The TENANT variable is the tenant part of the URL eg. abc123
  • The TENANT_TOKEN is a variable which should be considered secret and private. Encrypt as you would with any other password.

Retrieve Your TENANT_TOKEN

A REST call is necessary to retrieve your TENANT_TOKEN.

GET https://TENANT.live.dynatrace.com/api/v1/deployment/installer/agent/connectioninfo?Api-Token=YOURAPITOKEN

The Api-Token needs to have InstallerDownload permission.

To generate one, go to Settings > Integration > Platform as a Service

Put It All Together

So, assuming the following:


All you need to do is append them to the installer line:

wget -O Dynatrace-OneAgent-Linux-VERSION.sh "https://abc123.live.dynatrace.com/api/v1/deployment/installer/agent/unix/default/latest?Api-Token=def456&arch=x86&flavor=default
sudo /bin/sh Dynatrace-OneAgent-Linux-VERSION.sh SERVER=https://abc123.live.dynatrace.com TENANT=abc123 TENANT_TOKEN=9876hjk APP_LOG_CONTENT_ACCESS=1