OpenTelemetry Spans vs. Traces
What's the difference between an OpenTelemetry span and an OpenTelemetry trace?
What's the difference between an OpenTelemetry span and an OpenTelemetry trace?
In the third episode of the series, the spans are sent from Python to Jaeger via an OpenTelemetry collector.
In the second of the series, the spans are enriched with useful metadata: Setting the span status, adding span attributes and span events.
In this post, you will take your first steps to manually instrumenting a Python application using OpenTelemetry.
Did you know there's a Kubernetes Operator which will automatically generate OpenTelemetry traces for Kubernetes Jobs and CronJobs?
The Keptn metrics server is a tool which enables developers to retrieve metrics from any / many sources, store them in an on-cluster cache and treat them completely generically. You no longer need to worry about where they came from, just "get me the value of metric foo
" regardless of the metric source.
I've wrote a blog over on
introducing tracepusher and OpenTelemetry.
I've just finished creating my first Helm plugin and I thought I'd document the process in case it helps others.
I recently did an introduction to feature flagging & OpenFeature CNCF webinar. Here it is...
The co-located events for Kubecon North America 2023 have been announced. Registration and call for proposals is open now.