Security Quality Gates with Aquasec Trivy and Keptn
Building an automated security quality gate with Aquasec Trivy and Keptn...
Building an automated security quality gate with Aquasec Trivy and Keptn...
Keptn is a flexible workflow and automation engine. It is extremely easy to get started with Keptn, you can be up, running and modelling your own workflows in under 10 minutes...
This post will cover how to use the Dynatrace releases functionality...
We've been building code pipelines wrong for years. Here's how to fix them...
Recently I wanted to build a rudimentary webpage scraper which would run from the command line.
So, what do sunglasses have to do with software performance?
The latest feature, a new shiny library, it's all just one new JavaScript include away. What could possibly go wrong? For starters, how about having your credit card details stolen?
I needed a voting system for this website which was compatible with serverless pages. I also wanted it to be zero-login which ruled out using a third-party plugin. The result was a serverless, zero database & zero login voting system using AWS. Here is how...
Keptn is an event-based control plane for continuous delivery and automated operations. Unleash is a feature toggling framework. It sounds like these two would play well together, even in non cloud-native environments...
Atlassian Bamboo is an extremely popular CICD platform. Here's an automation script to spin up an instance on Ubuntu.