We've Been Building Pipelines Wrong. Here's How to Fix Them!
We've been building code pipelines wrong for years. Here's how to fix them...
We've been building code pipelines wrong for years. Here's how to fix them...
Build an automated quality gate in under 5 minutes with this hands on demo of Pitometer...
Legacy Service
This tutorial refers to the legacy "Pitometer" service which has now been superceded by KEPTN QUALITY GATES.
I recommend reading this Keptn + Prometheus Tutorial instead.
Imagine releasing software with zero upfront meetings. Imagine a release that was tested and promoted (or rejected) through your pipeline automatically. Imagine being able to mix and match the tools that provide those metrics. Imagine a world where you didn’t constantly argue over release acceptance / quality criteria. Imagine an open source tool that did all of that. Meet Pitometer...